Hsn App For Mac
Features. WATCH HSN LIVE: Watch HSN Live 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You’ll love our Live HD stream delivered directly to the app allowing you to chat while you watch.

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- Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about HSN. Download HSN and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
Hsn App For Machinery
PLAY SPIN 2 WIN: Play the game our customers have come to love. Discover new products while you play to earn a chance to win a coupon. TODAY’S SPECIAL: Shop the best value of the day, the Today’s Special. CUSTOMER REVIEWS: Read what other customers have to say about HSN products, available on all products that have been reviewed.
SAVE FOR LATER: Save your favorite items as a reminder to buy later. LIVE CHAT: Chat with fellow customers, friends and show hosts about the products on air. Many of our shows use Chat to answer questions live on air, have yours answered by your favorite Show Host. PROGRAM GUIDE: View upcoming shows. You can now also see what the host is wearing and all the products featured in the show.
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PRODUCT DETAILS: View the product details, read reviews, watch the video or use the zoom image feature that brings you up close and personal with the product in more ways than one. CHECKOUT: New or existing customers can purchase items within the app. Customers can change shipping methods, manage shipping addresses and credit cards, save money using coupons won in spin2win.
Amazon App For Mac
ORDER STATUS: Check the status of your latest orders directly from the app. SHARE CHARM: Let your friends know about the app and your favorite products. SEARCH CHARM: Search for favorite products direct from the search charm and checkout directly from the app. PLAY TO CHARM: Play the HSN Live stream from the app direct to your TV for a larger viewing experience. APPLICATION BAR: Quickly navigate around the app using the application bar to perform your favorite tasks.