Inherited Traits Project
Genetic Traits Project Introduction People from all over the world have common traits but does it matter what ethnicity group they’re from? I have worked on a project and I chose to work on was the Genetic Traits Project. I had to survey 50 people and ask if they have a trait or not (15 traits). From the results of my surveys, the most common traits are recessive instead of dominant because out of all 50 people i have surveyed, 277 traits were dominant and 473 traits were recessive.
Inherited Traits Activities For 3rd Grade

The Traits project allows Python programmers to use a special kind of type definition called a trait, which gives object attributes some additional characteristics: Initialization: A trait has a default value, which is automatically set as the initial value of an attribute before its first use in a program.

Traits Inherited From Parents
The traits I chose were: widows peak, mid-digital hair, color blind, free earlobes, straight nose, dimples, double eyelids, right thumb over left hand, right arm over left arm, wavy or straight hair, dimple chin, little finger bent, roll tongue, freckles and I chose to ask their ethnicity. I think it’s recessive because the questions I had asked wasn’t dominant to Latino people, and they were the largest ethnicity group out of all categories. The most common trait for Latinos is mid-digital hair and the most common trait out of all ethnicities are double eyelids. The least common trait was being colorblind. Observing my data, I have learned that Latino people have mid-digital hair and it’s pretty common. The second largest ethnicity group I have surveyed were Asian people and I observed that their most common trait was not having a widows peak. I surveyed 7 Asian people and they all didn’t have the widows peak trait.
I conclude that my information is important because it shows a huge amount of data from Latino people of what trait is popular in their ethnicity group. I also have a Group of Asians that show they all don’t have a widows peak. I can look back at my data in the future and observe if both of the ethnicity group still show the same results I have down. I learned that different ethnicity groups have a certain trait and it is common in their ethnicity group.

I can see the differences in both Asian and Latino. Asians show no widows peak and Latino have the common trait of mid-digit hair and that was something I had learned about a certain type of ethnicity.