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Looks like it is speculative execution based, and does not affect AMD AMD processors are not subject to the types of attacks that the kernel page table isolation feature protects against. The AMD microarchitecture does not allow memory references, including speculative references, that access higher privileged data when running in a lesser privileged mode when that access would result in a page fault. Disable page table isolation by default on AMD processors by not setting the X86BUGCPUINSECURE feature, which controls whether X86FEATUREPTI is set. I guess Intel decided to speculate data access regardless of privilege level of the target address, with the theory that what has been successfully speculated can't be accessed anyway before the permission are really checked, and somebody found a bug (or given all Intel processors are taggued as unsecure, maybe a quasi-architectural hole) that let read the speculated data or a significant subset or trace of it. My wild guess is that you can read a good portion (if not all) of the memory (or a significant subset or trace of it) of the whole computer from unprivileged userspace programs. Ok so it seems that Intel CPU do some speculative execution on priviledged data from unpriviledged code, including from (at least some and at least part of) separate following instructions. Given the microarchitectural complexity and the already well-known side channel attacks, I would not be surprised at all if someone just finished the work and demonstrated that you can actually read priviledged data with a correct reliability.
Nov 13, 2018 - PAUM01U DRIVER DOWNLOAD - It worked for about 12 hours and died with. Systems: Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/2003/7/8/10 MacOS 10/X.
This might even not be very hard. You can think of prefetching, TLB, cache, hyperthreading, and any combination of those and other features. I'm 90% convinced there is no way Intel managed to close all the side-channels on such a complex architecture, so if they really do continue too much speculative execution I think they (well, actually we:p ) are owned. Note that under Linux x64 IIRC the whole physical memory is mapped in kernel pages. Playing with some adjusting variables, if this theory is correct, I don't see why we could not read all of it. Might be the same under Windows. I've not checked in depth yet but it could match with all the technical facts we have: very important bug for which the semi-rushed workaround with high perf impact will be backported; affect general purpose OSes but IIRC does not affect some hypervisors (I guess they already do not map at all the pages of other systems while one is running), does not affect AMD (or maybe at least not this way and KPTI can not fix it for them) because of their microarch, involves data leak.
Radioactive decays and cosmic particles flipping bits give an upper bound for reliability well below 999% If it works 999%, then it has a failure rate of 0.%, or 1E-12. Considering that a modern CPU executes approximately 1E9 operations per second, and that regular HDDs have a worse-case BER of 1 in 1E14 bits, 1E-12 is actually rather horrible and the actual error rate of computer hardware is much better than that.
Imagine if a CPU calculated 1+1=3 every 1E12 instructions. At current clock rates, that's a fraction of an hour. Computers simply would not work if CPUs had such an error rate.
I picked the 1E-12 number arbitrarily, but it's quite illustrative of the reliability computers are expected to have, despite their flaws. ECC alone is absolutely insufficient. But ECC can be part of a system design that includes active monitoring and response. I’d expect that system design to also include measurement of ECC events under ordinary conditions, regular re-measurement, and funding for an analysis of the changes and explanation of the difference—just like you’d find in safety engineering in a coal plant, an MRI machine, any sort of engineering that has a professional scientist or engineer on site supervising all operations. Of course, you’ll also find a tendency there towards specified hardware.
They bend or break it to use COTS x86 machines, but—as I think I heard from a comment here last week—nearly nobody ever specified wanting AMT in the initial design, so it’s pretty weird that we’re all buying and deploying it. Almost everything I've seen on error rates from radioactive decay and cosmic particles has been on servers in data centers.
I wonder if home systems are equally vulnerable, or if there is something about data center system design or facilities that make them more susceptible? I ask because I had a couple of home desktop Linux boxes once, without ECC RAM, that were running as lightly loaded servers. I ran a background process on both that just allocated a big memory buffer, wrote a pattern into it, and then cycled through it verifying that the pattern was still there. Based on the error rates I'd seen published, I expect to see a few flipped bits over the year (if I recall correctly) that I ran these, but I didn't catch a single one. Later, I bought a 2008 Mac Pro for home, and 2009 Mac Pro for work (I didn't like the PC the office supplied), and used both of those to mid 2017. They had ECC memory, and I never saw any report when I checked memory status that they had ever actually had to correct anything. So.what's the deal here?
What do I need to do to see a bit flip from radiocative decay or cosmic rays on my own computer? I think it's multiplication.
The odds are low but the number of potential instances is larger. Data centers have larger numbers of machines and those machines are doing repeated work where you observe the result.

Personal machines are typically limited by what your senses can handle. There are few of them for starters. They idle a lot. If many pieces failed inexplicably it's not likely to be something you are personally paying attention to with your senses. (I have personally observed ram and disk failures on personal machines anyway. And I have seen stuff in my dmesg indicating hardware faults on my personal desktops, but rarely in a way that I notice in actual use not looking at dmesg.). This is far away from 'hardware fix is impossible' though.
In reputable hardware, hardware vendors are expected to maintain correctness in spite of performance advances. Also, DDR3/4 DRAM is glacially slow in latency terms, it's far from clear that there would be appreciable slowdown. There are already big latency compromises in the standardized JEDEC protocols that are not inherent in DRAM - it would be very two-faced for DRAM vendors to say they'll only trade off latency over backward compatibility or tiny cost savings, but not over correctness. Addendum: I know in most modern CPUs the memory controller is on-die, so my comment is partially wrong (RowHammer is definitely a SoC issue). Also, if you're interested in this type of things: Armv8.4-A adds a flag indicating that you want the execution time of instructions to be independent of the data. Now the primary source seems to have been edited(why?) But webarchive still has it: Data Independent Timing CPU implementations of the Arm Architecture do not have to make guarantees about the length of time instructions take to execute. In particular, the same instructions can take different lengths of time, dependent upon the values that need to be operated on.
For example, performing the arithmetic operation ‘1 x 1’ may be quicker than ‘2546483 x 245303’, even though they are both the same instruction (multiply). This sensitivity to the data being processed can cause issues when developing cryptographic algorithms. Here, you want the routine to execute in the same amount of time no matter what you are processing – so that you don’t inadvertently leak information to an attacker. To help with this, Armv8.4-A adds a flag to the processor state, indicating that you want the execution time of instructions to be independent of the data operated on.
This flag does not apply to every instruction (for example loads and stores may still take different amounts of time to execute, depending on the memory being accessed), but it will make development of secure cryptographic routines simpler. The scope seems limited to ALU, so not really related to the TLB thing we have here.
Also, it's still very far away, I'm not sure its predecessor Armv8.3-A is even shipping to customers yet. If the problem is row-hammer style attacks on the TLB that let you map userspace writable pages into the kernel address space then any kernel entries remaining in the TLB when userspace is running are going to be a security hole. The problem won’t be a process writing to the kernel entry (that would be forbidden by existing code / hardware) but a process updating it’s own TLB entries in ways that corrupt adjacent kernel ones. PCID doesn't help you here - indeed it hurts, because it means there are more TLB entries from the hypervisor or other virtual machines remaining in the TLB to be corrupted! (Unless I have entirely the wrong end of the stick about this?). Every draw call will need to transition to kernel space to send data over the PCIe bus to the GPU. Modern games execute something on the order of 1000+ draws per frame, so assuming 60fps that's going to be at least 60,000.2 context switches into the kernel and back per second, more if you're doing high refresh rates.
How big the impact I will be, I don't know - but I wouldn't be surprised if it was a couple percent (effectively ruining the single-threaded performance boost Intel has in gaming over AMD before accounting for overclocking). Just curious: Even after an attacker goes through all the effort of finding out the physical address of the memory location they want to manipulate, how would someone make sure to get an adjacent memory location to even attempt to execute the Rowhammer attack? And even then, the smallest memory units allocated are basically pages within page frames, right? So if your target memory row is within a physical page frame, does the RowHammer attack even work? (Since there's no adjacent row an attacker has access to then.). As someone who shares your skepticism of the cloud, I can say that people don’t switch from bare metal hosting (something like SoftLayer) to AWS/GCP for the cost. If you do the math like “we have 1000 cores and 2048Gb of RAM and 10Tb of RAID’ed SSD” and then plug that in to the GCP calculator.
It’s going to be at minimum 1.5-2x your bare metal cost. That’s not even including bandwidth which is pretty much free at bare metal hosts unless you’re doing a lot of egress. The calculus changes when you realize that you’re over-provisioned on the bare metal side for a variety of reasons: high availability, “what if”, future growth that’s more medium term than short, etc.
Then you scale back the numbers you’re plugging into the calculator and things are still expensive but now within reason. Couple that with things like global anycast region aware load balancer, firewalls (an in-line 10GigE highly available firewall costs a lot of money), ability to spin up hundreds of cores in 5 seconds and the value proposition becomes clearer. It still depends on your work load, but there’s a lot more to consider than just straight up monthly cost.
I have to disagree. If you look purely at hardware cost of bare metal vs. What the same compute costs on cloud then sure, cloud is more expensive.
It is just as easy to automate. It's really not. As someone who's done provisioning automation at 2 companies, this is hard. Hardware is difficult, every new generation of hardware introduces new challenges in the provisioning and the more hardware configurations you need to support (and different vendors, all kinds of PCI plug-in cards etc), the more likely things go wrong.
It takes a full team to build, maintain and debug this. It takes a couple of hours to build a GUI that calls the GCP API's to provision an instance for you, assuming you even need to do this instead of just using the Cloud Console directly. Sure, you pay for it, but now you have 4-10 engineers freed up to do something that provides actual value to your business. if you plan well. If. But that's really hard. Capacity planning and forecasting is complicated and the smaller a player you are, the harder it'll be for you to get a decent vendor contract with significant discounts and to be able to adjust and get to hardware quickly outside of your regularly forecasted buy-cycle.
On the other hand, it's not your issue in the cloud. You request the resources and as long as you have the quotas, you'll get it (with rare exception). and more secure. I severly doubt that. In most cases, though you can host your stuff in certified DC's you'll still be in a colocation facility. Most cloud providers have their own buildings or rent complete buildings at a time. No one else but them has access to those grounds.
Aside from that, take a look at what Google for example does on GCP to ensure that their code and only their code can boot systems, how they control, sign and verify every step of the boot process0. I've yet to see anyone do that and I doubt most companies that do bare metal have even thought of this or have the knowledge to even execute on this. 0: Aside from all of this, cloud isn't competing with just providing you compute.
VM's (GCE, EC2) is just the onboarding ramp. The value is in all the other managed services they offer that you no longer need to build, maintain, scale and debug (global storage and caching primitives, really clever shit like Spanner or Amazon RDS/Aurora, massively scalable pub/sub and load balancing tiers, autoscaling, the ability to spawn your whole infrastructure or your service on a new continent to serve local customers in a matter of minutes etc). If all you're using cloud providers for is as a compute provisioning layer, then you're doing it wrong.
It takes a couple of hours to build a GUI that calls the GCP API's to provision an instance for you Yes, but you will hit all the same problems with different hardware generations, different configs with different limitations, etc. If anything GCE and AWS have more complex offerings than most bare metal hosts. And you have all the same maintenance issues as you run stuff over time and hardware and software updates get released. Capacity planning and forecasting is complicated AWS and GCE certainly don't make it easier. And if you can't capacity plan accurately on cloud and take advantage of spot pricing and auto-scaling then you will be paying 10X price, which describes most smaller players. I severly doubt that bare metal is more secure I am saying that shared hosting is fundamentally insecure.
No matter what else you do, if you let untrusted people run code on the same server that is a huge risk that assumes many, many layers of hardware and software are bug free. cloud isn't competing with just providing you compute I agree on this. But not all of those services work as well as advertised either.
Yes, but you will hit all the same problems with different hardware generations, different configs with different limitations, etc. If anything GCE and AWS have more complex offerings than most bare metal hosts. I haven't hit any issues with hardware generations. At worst what I've had to do is blacklist a GCP zone b/c it misses an instance type I need.
In most cases I don't need to care and images that can boot are provided and maintained by the respective cloud provider, so you can build on top of that. I don't need to source or test components together, or spend hours figuring out why this piece of hardware isn't working well with that one. Or why this storage is slower than the other disk with the same specs from a different vendor. I don't need to lift a finger or deal with any hardware diversity issues, I just do an HTTP POST and less than a minute later I have an GCE instance available to me. Though in most cases I don't even do that, I just instruct GKE to schedule containers for me. I also don't need to worry about any hardware renew cycles, deal with failing hardware, racking and expansion of my DCs and what not. The reason GCP and AWS have more complex offerings is b/c they can afford to provide it.
Due to their scale they can shoulder the complexity of letting you chose from a vast array of different hardware configurations, which usually also results in better utilisation for them. Most people can't, which is why bare metal host options are much more constrained. And as a consequence why a lot of resources are wasted b/c it's especially hard to find someone supporting small instance types for just bare metal.
AWS and GCE certainly don't make it easier. To me they do. I don't need to deal with the hardware. I don't need to plan buying cycles, account for production cycles and chip releases by manufacturers and factor in how that's going to affect supply, or how an earthquake in Taiwan will make it prohibitively expensive for me to get the disk type I normally want to. I still need to do capacity planning, but I can tolerate much bigger fluctuations in those, and people's usage patterns, in the cloud than I can on bare metal. Unless I want to have hundreds of machines sitting idle, just in case I might need them.
But the best thing is, if I get it wrong in the cloud, I can correct, in a matter of minutes if I want to. Too big instance types? OK, I'll spin up smaller ones, redeploy and tah-dah my bill goes down. Sure you could do that on bare metal, assuming you can even get to a right/small enough instance type, but it's far from this easy in most cases.
And if you can't capacity plan accurately on cloud and take advantage of spot pricing and auto-scaling then you will be paying 10X price, which describes most smaller players. But then we're back down to trying to use the cloud just for compute, which is not what you should be doing and not where the value of a cloud offering comes from. I am saying that shared hosting is fundamentally insecure. Though that's definetly true security isn't black or white, it's not secure vs. Something that you might consider an unacceptable risk (theoretical or practical) might be entirely fine for someone else.

There are definetly cases in which this would be of major concern, but for most people it really isn't. Aside from that, as both hardware designs are changing and software mitigations are deployed we're able to achieve stronger and stronger isolation. Eventually, for all intents and purposes, this will be solved.
if you let untrusted people run code on the same server that is a huge risk that assumes many, many layers of hardware and software are bug free. This sitll holds true even if you only let your people run code on the same instance (unless you're also only running a single process/app per server?).
It becomes a bit more problematic but there's also a lot more research in this area going on than a few years back. We're discovering issues, sure, but we're also getting better and better at mitigating them. But not all of those services work as well as advertised either. Every cloud provider could do better. But then, I'd like to see anyone attempt and succeed at what AWS, Google and Microsoft (or smaller shops like Digital Ocean, Rackspace) etc are doing, at their scale and with a staggeringly diverse portfolio of services and high SLAs.
All taken care of for you, so you can actually assemble their primitives into useful things for your business, instead of needing to spend months and multiple teams to build the building blocks in the first place (and then also the cost of continued development and maintenance of these capabilities, and of course adding more and more of these capabilities yourself as your organisation's needs evolve). They weren't really trying to uncover the exploit such that they can reproduce it. They were trying to learn who the exploit affects and what the impact is. I don't think there's anything wrong with that.
If you're an AWS customer who depends on hypervisor isolation for critical security guarantees, it helps you to know that this is threatened and perhaps exploitable. Please don't buy into the idea that embargoes and coordinated disclosure are sacred. They tend to just reinforce existing power structures, sometimes in an unethical (or at least unfair) way.
Please don't buy into the idea that embargoes and coordinated disclosure are sacred. They tend to just reinforce existing power structures, sometimes in an unethical (or at least unfair) way.
They're an attempt to minimize harm, by getting things patched while minimizing information leaked to blackhats. Just because giving preference to groups with a better reputation and more market share isn't 'fair', doesn't mean it's automatically wrong.
Now, if you can show that it actually doesn't help. Once there is disclosure then 100% of users can make the choice to take appropriate mitigation steps. Prior to disclosure there will always be the possibility that some users are being exploited without their knowledge. Therefore disclosure always improves the situation by giving those who could have been exploited without their knowledge the choice to take mitigation steps.
All of the 'responsible disclosure' nonsense is just PR by companies who want to avoid the most obvious mitigation, which is for customers to stop using their products. This is the classic case of the frog being boiled. Or the pig getting lazy. At every step along the way, there's been a choice of 'Well, we could own the hardware and incur overhead costs, or we could trust someone else and pay our share of lower overhead. It'll mean giving up some control, but it'll save us a few bucks.' Or maybe it goes like 'Well, we could develop with practices that result in more robust code, but we'd be slower to market.' There's definitely a sidetrack of 'If we crank up the clock too much, all sorts of things get wibbly and we can no longer guarantee that the outputs match the inputs, but we don't actually have ways of doing it correctly at these speeds.
The press will slam us if we don't keep pace with Moore's law, how could we launch a product with only marginal speed gains?' And pretty often I think it sounds like 'The ops staff says they're overworked and we need to add people or we risk an incident, but Salesman Bob says we can actually fire most of them if we put our stuff in BobCloud.' At every step along the way, someone made a conscious choice to do the insecure thing. The folks with their eye on security were dismissed as naysayers, and profit was paramount.
And because these practices became so common, they became enshrined in market norms and expected overhead costs. A provider can't dedicate hardware for every single customer. A provider absolutely could dedicate hardware for every single customer, that's literally how every provider operated before virtualization. It just wasn't as profitable as virtualization. The story of the Three Little Pigs was supposed to teach about the importance of robust infrastructure. Nobody should be surprised when the wolf shows up.
And every pig had the choice to build with sticks or bricks, it would just take more work or cost more. And I see your message as saying 'Are you serious? Build with something other than straw?!
But we already own so much straw! All the pigs have straw houses, won't someone think of the pigs?' Meanwhile the bankrupt brick vendor's assets have been auctioned off, and the wolves are salivating. And when script kiddies get wind that there is something potentially disastrous in the open, it can be exploited 10 times harder, that's all I'm saying. I understand (and agree) that the system admins/owners should also be able to mitigate through knowledge, but it's a dilemma that I think is better resolved by the other solution (in this case it's apparently a complex issue, but history has shown that there are surprisingly easy to exploit bugs/issues (see heartbleed, shellshock (which was apparently very quickly exploited.)). Your analogy is severely flawed as my door lock is under my control and I know about the risks (i.e it is unlocked) so I can take the steps I need to mitigate that risk For your analogy to apply here it would be the manufacturer of the door lock having a master key stolen then not telling anyone about it until they have a new lock for you to buy from them, in the case of a lock I would want to know that the lock is useless even if there was not solution so I can mitigate the risk no simply continue locking it believing it to be secure. What do you think this fixes?
Tiny info leak about kernel addresses? There are still other more reliable ways to get that (even if there is active work to remove those), and I don't believe this would yield to a semi-rushed patch with 5% mean and sometimes 30% performance degradation impact enabled by default, with Linus himself expecting to be backported (rarely to never seen on a change of this importance, and would make no sense given older kernels are even more full of simpler kaddr info leak) This fixes something bigger than Intel could not fix by microcode update.
I don't think ARM64 works the way you think it does. On s390, there's a register for user-initiated access and a register for kernel-initiated access.
On ARM64 (AIUI), there's a register for low (user) addresses and a register for high (kernel) addresses. So kASLR timing leaks on s390 shouldn't happen in the first place unless the TLB tagging itself is rather silly, but ARM64 has no inherent protection. What ARM64's system does provide is a much simpler way to do a PTI-style pagetable split by twiddling the high address register at entry and exit.
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