Rei's Minimap Installation Guide For Mac

Just to let everyone know, Voxelmap is the new version of Rei's Minimap and Zan's Minimap. The other mods still exist, byt they are not updated for the newest minecraft version. This mod will work on any server or single-player world, if you have cheats enabled in single-player or if you have the permission to use the /tp command on servers. In this guide I will be showing you how to install Voxelmap on Minecraft 1.7.10 with the required software. Links for downloads are included. Everyone should be able to follow all the steps.
High-Quality screenshots will make sure you can understand what I am doing. In order to activate Voxelmap, we need to select the right profile. Simply select the 'Liteloader 1.7.10' profile in the list or create one. If there is no Liteloader profile in the list, you need to create one. You can do this by simply pressing the 'New profile' button.
In the window that shows up you need to name your Liteloader profile (I named it Liteloader) and select 'release 1.7.10-liteloader1.7.10'. Then you can save your profile. Make sure you select your newly created Liteloader profile when starting minecraft!
Just a guide on how to install mods in the new Minecraft versions (1.6.1+) on a Mac OS. In this video, I show. Hey guys I just made a video on how to install Rei's Minimap Mod for 1.6.2 but the process is the same for most mods. Anyway I made this tutorial based on the Mac OS but the steps are similar for a Windows OS. Mar 1, 2014 - I've not found a proper way to install Rei's for Mac, so if anyone figures that out and can post instructions or a link, that would be helpful.
This is exactly what I'm trying to do. I've got Forge installed, and then installed LiteLoader linked to the correct version of Forge (, but after starting 1.7.10 minecraft, all my Forge mods are there but no LiteLoader. However, when I'm launching Minecraft, there is a profile now that reads 'LiteLoader 1.7.10 with Forge' I'm assuming I got Forge and LiteLoader married OK. So I guess my question is, is it necessary to start Minecraft WITHOUT Voxelmap but WITH LiteLoader once BEFORE installing Voxelmap? OK, new problem.

I was able to get to the home screen of Minecraft 1.7.10 with a bunch of Forge mods (that I have previously confirmed all work in harmony), and found the little Liteloader tab on the side that confirmed that Voxelmap was also loaded. But now I can't get into any worlds, either ones I've already created or ones that I'm trying to create now. It gets to the big brown screen as it loads, and then just sits there forever, telling me that it's not responding. Without the Liteloader/Voxelmap additions, all of the Forge mods worked together.
Rei's Minimap 1.7.10
I'm using stuff like Mekanism, TConstruct, Thermal Expansion, OpenEye, OpenBlocks, Biomes o'Plenty, Mapwriter and a few others. Since Voxelmap is a client-side mod, I would think I would have no problem getting into worlds I'd already created. But I can't do that or even create a new world!

Rei's Minimap 1.11.2
I believe you have to select you liteloader profile. NOT your Forge or Liteloader with Forge profile. Which ones have you tried so far? About the worlds not loading: maybe a mod that you used in that world isn't loaded or you removed it, which leaves unknown items/blocks in your Minecraft save.
Try the Liteloader profile (NOT Forge or Liteloader with Forge) and tell me if that works or what problems occur. And yes, you need to start Minecraft once with Liteloader installed WITHOUT Voxelmap loaded before first use. And Liteloader and Forge both have a different folder for mods. So Voxelmap needs to be in the Liteloader folder, not in the Forge folder.